Who We Are
As the industry’s leading MSR risk manager, UCM offers a unique view on hedging MSR market risk and impairment, and has a proven, 20+ year track record of positive results for our clients.
Aggregation of risk is a fundamental hedge strategy; disaggregation adds unwanted complexity and increases modeling risk for both the hedges and the hedged asset. We avoid counterproductive complexity. We’re confident that the more you learn about our approach and our team, the more sense it makes to partner with us.
Effective MSR hedging requires robust models and experienced people. We have both at UCM, however, we are also focused on making it accessible, understandable and transparent to our clients. Albert Einstein said, “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.”
What We Do
Hedging MSR valuation risk is just the beginning. UCM provides insight into all phases of the mortgage banking business, offering support for numerous business models and advice about best practices in all phases of mortgage banking.
For banks, no other part of their operations can match the potential return on assets of MSRs. We protect and enhance those profits, using the most liquid and predictable hedges available.
Why Hedge MSR Valuation Risk?
Protect Equity
Protect MSR Yield
Stabilize the Income Statement
Protect Shareholder Value
Expert Support
Produce Income from Hedges