What we do to ensure your profitability
United Capital Markets’ (UCM) clients are banks and independent mortgage bankers who own MSRs.
UCM provides consulting services to help its clients understand their risks and set appropriate tolerances. With more experience than any other consultancy in this space, UCM partners with its clients to help implement a “best practices” approach to maximizing the value of the entire mortgage banking operation, from production pricing through MSR recognition, hedging and accounting.
UCM offers consulting and hedging strategies that maximize and protect the value in these business lines. As a result, UCM has become one of the mortgage industry’s most trusted advisers. The company has earned a reputation for sharing what it knows.
The Solutions We Bring to Bear
As a result, UCM has become the leading provider of innovative risk management consulting services by offering market intelligence and best practices regarding:
How much hedge coverage is appropriate and what are the best investments to protect the portfolio’s value?
UCM’s hedges are all highly correlated and qualify for hedge accounting treatment.
UCM’s typical futures and options positions minimize the capital required to hedge MSRs. While hedging does require a capital outlay, UCM’s method minimizes the required capital.
Is your hedging working? How do you know for sure? UCM uses state of the art risk analytics to graphically demonstrate projected price performance so clients can see their net risk position at a glance.
UCM offers its clients the assurance that their operation will comply with all accounting and regulatory rules.
Find out more by contacting UCM today.